Operating Procedures
Improve security within your organization
- The Calgary Security Professionals Information Exchange (SPIE) Society was incorporated as a non-profit society under the Societies Act of Alberta on [insert new date]. These Operating Procedures (the “Procedures”) document the procedures and guidelines for conducting the business and societal activities of SPIE as amended from time to time by the Board of Directors.
General Procedures
- Where there is a discrepancy between the Bylaws and Operating Procedures, the Bylaws shall take precedence.
- The Operating Procedures may be rescinded, altered or amended at the discretion of the Board.
Operation of the Board
- SPIE members may attend a Board meeting upon providing notice of the intention to attend to the Board Secretary at least one week in advance of the regularly scheduled Board meeting.
Board Positions & Detailed Responsibilities
- Serves on the Board.
- Provides leadership to the Board of Directors.
- Ensures the Board adheres to the bylaw and operating procedures of the Society.
- Acts as one of the signing officers for cheques and other documents, such as contracts and grant applications.
- May delegate certain responsibilities to the Co-Chairperson on occasion.
- Establishes a clear organizational mission, forming the strategic plan to accomplish the mission and overseeing and evaluating the plan's success.
- Chairs meetings of the Board and prepares the Agenda for Board meetings.
- Keeps discussion on topic by summarizing issues.
- Keeps Board's activities focused on the Society's stated mission and goals.
- Presents the annual report at the AGM.
- Chairs all General Meetings.
- Serves on the Board.
- Assists the Chairperson in performing the duties of office, and performs such further duties and exercises such authority as shall be assigned or delegated by the Chairperson.
- Acts as a signing officer for cheques and other documents, such as contracts and grant applications.
- Assumes the duties of the Chairperson at all meetings in the absence of the Chairperson.
- Assists the Chairperson in: establishing a clear organizational mission, forming the strategic plan to accomplish the mission and overseeing and evaluating the plan's success.
- Coordinates the Special Interest Groups. Serves as ex officio member of any committees or Special Interest Groups and attends their meetings, if required.
- May chair one or more major committees.
- Prepares Annual Report for the Chairperson.
Past Chairperson (not an elected position)
- Serves on the Board.
- Advises and assists the Chairperson and Board as requested, and performs such duties and exercises such authority as shall be delegated or assigned by the Chairperson.
- Serves on the Board.
- Responsible for the treasury function, the financial affairs of the Society, the performance of all incidental duties, financial reporting, and the execution of such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Board.
- Signs, jointly with another office of the Board, cheques, drafts or other order of the Society for payment of money subject to such rules and regulations as may be in force from time to time by such banks, savings and loan companies or other depositories to which this Society shall have entrusted custody and safekeeping of all funds and securities of the Society. He/she and any member of the Board so designated by the Board, acting jointly, shall have the right to access these securities.
- Acts as a signing officer, with another officer for documents, such as contracts and grant applications.
- Presents annual financial report at AGM
- Pays all expenses incurred on behalf of SPIE promptly upon receipt of statements
- Supervises the maintenance of the books and financial records of the Society. All monies due and payable to the Society from any source shall be received by the Treasurer or his or her designate, depository, or other fiduciary appointed and approved by the Board. Such receipts shall be deposited to the credit of the Society in banks, trust companies, and/or other depositories designated by the Board. He/she shall be responsible for keeping proper account of all monies disbursed on behalf of the Society and of all records in connection therewith.
- Submits financial statements and reports on the financial state of the Society to the Board in such form and frequency as the Board may direct, and submits a copy of same to the Secretary for the records of the Society and to Governmental agencies as required by law.
- Maintains an accurate and balanced financial record consisting of the following: general ledger, chequebook, savings account records, monthly treasurer's reports, financial correspondence, cancelled cheques (if applicable), deposit slips, and bills receipted and outstanding.
- Issues receipts for any monies received on behalf of the Society.
- Chairs the finance committee.
- Sets up bank accounts.
- Leads annual fee review.
- Serves on the Board.
- Responsible for maintaining all official documents, correspondence and operating records for the Society, with the exception of financial records.
- Records and keeps the minutes for all Board Meetings.
- Acts as a signing officer for cheques and other documents, such as contracts and grant applications.
- Prepares minutes for all Board meetings and General meetings, records corrections at the next respective meeting and, once approved, signs and releases the minutes in final form for publication to the SPIE membership.
- Keeps complete records and prepares material and agenda for Board meetings and General Meetings.
- Keeps official copies of the Society bylaws, operating procedures and related documents including minutes of Board meetings and copies of presentations given at General Meetings.
- Keeps list of all officers, Board members and committees.
- Brings official minutes book to all Board meetings and General Meetings.
- Makes sure there is a quorum at Board meetings and General Meetings.
- Signs Board minutes to attest to their accuracy and distributes copies to all Board members promptly following each meeting.
- Keeps records of all Board and Society correspondence.
Additional Board Positions
Board members will form committees (2 members at minimum).
Standing Committees
Standing committees will be formed to address the following areas:
Membership ÂÂ Committee
- Responsible for the membership application, registration, verification, renewal and termination functions, and for the maintenance of all information pertaining thereto.
- Maintains an up-to-date register of all members, including all necessary membership information.
- Ensures that a current membership list is present for each and every SPIE meeting to support verification of membership status.
- Accepts new membership applications and ensures payment is turned over to the Treasurer.
- Maintains history records for proof of meeting attendance to support individual member continuing education and certification requirements.
- Coordinates and helps plan activities to promote membership.
- Coordinates annual membership sign up process including sending out letters/invoices to existing members.
Communications Committee
- Not responsible for General Meeting communications.
- Responsible for the communications function including communication to Members within SPIE and communication between SPIE and third parties.
- Ensures timely notification and distribution of agendas and other related information for Special Meetings
- Facilitates communication to members re Board activities.
- Coordinates development and maintenance of the SPIE web site or equivalent communications vehicle including but not limited to posting of: Meeting and event notification, Guest speaker presentation materials, Links to relevant websites, other relevant material.
- Establishes and maintains contacts with professional organizations as authorized by the Board.
- Coordinates communication of professional development opportunities.
- Establishes and maintains contact with selected academic organizations as requested by the Board.
- Coordinates communication of academic opportunities.
- Coordinates any and all communication with the media.
- Identifies and coordinates value-add communication related to IT security issues of interest in areas such as Current legislation, Privacy, Home IT security.
Program Committee
- Responsible for program and venue for General Meetings.
- Sends letters of thanks to meeting host(s) and speaker(s)
- Arranges room, lunch, and speakers General Meetings.
- Ensures presentations at regular monthly meetings comply with presentation
- Coordinate catering for monthly meetings and other organized events
Special Events Committee
- Responsible for program and venue for meetings and events other than regular monthly meetings.
- Works with committees and outside organizations to plan special events, including conferences, seminars, and presentations made outside the regular meetings.
- Obtains sponsorships if required.
- Communicated Special Event information to members.
Information Technology Committee
- Responsible for configuration, maintenance and support, or provisioning thereof, for software and/or services that support the SPIE web-site, accounting system, membership database, e-mail client and other IT applications.
Ad hoc committees
All members in good standing shall have equal opportunity to be involved with, and responsible fo,r the continued viability of the organization.
Elections will be conducted every second year, beginning 2016-2017, at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in accordance with SPIE By-Laws. The election procedures are as follows:
- The Election Committee will be established, and will include the Chairperson.
- The Announcement of Elections will be sent by e-mail to all SPIE Members at least 30 days prior to the AGM at which the elections will be held.
- The announcement will include:
- When and where the election is taking place;
- What positions are vacant;
- A statement indicating that all members are welcome to nominate any member, and that nominating oneself is acceptable; and
- The due date of nomination forms.
- Completed nomination forms will be submitted to the Election Committee.
- All nominations must be received by the Election Committee at least one week prior to elections.
- Prior to the date of the election, the Election Committee will screen nominees and determine how many people are running for each position.
- The Election Committee will prepare ballots to support the voting process.
- All Nominees will be provided the opportunity to make a presentation at the AGM to describe briefly why they want to be on the SPIE Board and what qualifications they bring to the position.
- All voting will be conducted at the AGM by private ballot.
- The Chairperson will announce the election results, in terms of the names and positions of all Board members for the coming term.
- Successful candidates must be prepared to assume their responsibilities and attend Board Meetings.
- Following the election the Secretary will:
- Inform the membership immediately of changes.
- Circulate a list of names, E-mail addresses, and phone/fax numbers of all members to the Board.
- Ensure that all new Board members are provided with orientation and training, and that the relevant materials are transferred to them immediately.
- Include a summary of the election results on the SPIE website.
Operating Budget
- The outgoing Board shall submit a proposed operating budget for approval in principle at the AGM.
- An incoming Board may adjust the operating budget, provided that the new operating budget is approved at the next General Meeting.
Limits of Spending
- The Chairperson may authorize the expenditure of monies up to $1000. Such expenditure must be reported at the next Board meeting for formal authorization by the Board.
- An ongoing expenditure, once approved by the Board, need not be re-approved for each expenditure providing that the originally approved parameters do not change. E.g. newsletter. A simple majority of the Board is needed to authorize an expenditure of up to $1000 per item.
- A two-thirds majority of the Board is needed to authorize an unbudgeted expenditure of over $1000 per item.
- All dues collected and other income of the Society shall be used for the benefit of the Society and shall not be used for the financial benefit of any individual member.
Membership Fees
- Four classes of membership:
- New Member
- Renewing Member
- Educational Institution
- Non-member
- Fees are paid in accordance with the following schedule:
Membership Type Fee Renewal
New Member $125 per 12 months At time of expiry
Renewing Member $125 per 12 months At time of expiry
Educational Insitution $500 per 12 months At time of expiry
Non-member $20 per meeting N/A
- Members must be individual persons.
- Membership fees are non-refundable.
- By resolution at the AGM, the Society may decide to waive membership fees for retiring Board members.
General Meetings
- SPIE will hold General Meetings, in Calgary, over lunch on the last Thursday of every month (except July, August, December, or as otherwise noted) from approximately 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified by the Board.
- The topics discussed at regular meetings will vary according to the needs of the group, emerging issues and technologies and available speakers.
- Whenever possible, a formal presentation will be arranged for at each meeting.
- General Meeting information will be announced via e-mail invitation to all members approximately 2 weeks in advance of the meeting and will be posted on the SPIE web site 4 weeks prior. Members in good standing will not normally be charged for attending regular meetings. A majority vote by the Board may authorize an exception for instances where unusual costs are incurred to hold a meeting.
- Formal minutes will NOT be taken at regular meetings.
Special Events
- Special events may include but are not limited to workshops, conferences, educational courses, and social events.
- Special events may include co-sponsoring with other organizations.
- All Special Events require prior approval by the SPIE Board.
- SPIE expects each special event to be financially viable on its own with no expectation of subsidy from SPIE. Where a Special Event is expected to incur additional expenditures, a Special Events budget must be prepared for approval by the SPIE Board. Approval of a deficit budget for a Special Event requires a two-thirds majority vote of the Board members.
Professional Certifications
- SPIE does not certify business or professional capabilities.
- Meeting topics and signed attendance at SPIE regular meetings or qualifying events will be kept to provide an opportunity for members with external certifications to obtain re-certification credits.
SPIE does not certify business or professional capabilities.